Options (Network, Advanced Web/TiVo Server)

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Network Options - Advanced (Web-TiVo Server)


Note: The advanced network settings pages allow more control over network settings, making it easier to mess things up!  We recommend using the standard network settings unless you need access to something specific that is not offered there.


The advanced network web/TiVo server configuration page allows more control over the web and TiVo servers:

Enable web server

Enables or disables the web server.  The web server is accessible from a browser, and provides read-only access to the calls, contacts, and actions lists.

Enable TiVo server

Enables or disables the TiVo server.  The TiVo server provides read-only access to the calls, contacts, and actions lists from a TiVo Series 2 device with Home Media Option.


Specifies the network port to be used for both (or either) the web and TiVo servers.  It defaults to 80, which is the standard web server port.  This should work unless you are running a separate web server on your computer which is already using port 80.  The TiVo server broadcasts the connection information on the local network so any available port should work.

Bind address

Specifies the IP address to use for machines with multiple IP addresses.  In most cases two addresses appear in the drop-down list: "", and the IP address of the computer.  If multiple addresses appear (other than ""), select the one on which you want to host the server, or "" to host the server on all addresses.

The address "" is special, as it refers to all addresses on the machine.  This should normally be selected.  When selected, you can access the server from the server machine by using the special addresses "localhost" and "" as well as the machine's actual IP address.  (The addresses "localhost" and "" are standard references for the local machine, and are not defined by Ascendis Caller ID.)  If you select a different IP address, then "localhost" and "" will not work for accessing Ascendis Caller ID.
Machines with multiple addresses usually have multiple network interface cards (NICs), which access separate networks.  One might access the internet, for example, and the other the internal network.  In this case you must decide whether to make the server accessible to the internet or to the internal network, or both.



Enable secure web server

Enables or disables the secure web server.  The secure web server is like the web server, except it is served over a secure connection.


Specifies the network port to be used for the secure web server.  It defaults to 443, which is the standard secure web server port.  This should work unless you are running a separate web server on your computer which is already using port 443.

Certificate file

The full pathname of the certificate file (in PEM format) to be used for the secure web server.  For more information on certificates, please see secure web server.

For security reasons, do not put the file in the web root folder or a folder contained within the web root folder.

Private key file

The full pathname of the private key file (in PEM format) corresponding to the certificate to be used for the secure web server.  For more information on certificates, please see secure web server.

For security reasons, do not put the file in the web root folder or a folder contained within the web root folder.



Web server requires authentication

When enabled, users will be required to enter a Username and Password as specified in the following items before viewing the web interface.

Per-folder authentication

Specifies that each folder in web root (including nested folders) can have different users and passwords.  Users and passwords are specified in access files named "access.ini".  Use the Edit Access Files button to create or change the access files.


If a folder does not contain an access file, or the user-specified username is not found in the access file, the parent folder is checked for authentication, all the way to web root, if necessary.

Edit Access Files

Opens the Web Access Editor, which is used to create and edit per-folder web access files.  This button is only enabled when "Per-folder authentication" is selected.

Single-user authentication

When selected, the username and password specified below is required to access any web page.


Specifies the username the user must enter before accessing the web interface.  This is only used if "Web server requires authentication" and "Single-user authentication" are selected.


Specifies the password the user must enter before accessing the web interface.  This is only used if "Web server requires authentication" and "Single-user authentication" are selected.


Web root

Specifies the folder containing the documents for the web server.  If you want to modify the documents, you could make a copy, and set this to the folder containing your copy.


If this contains no path information or starts with "..\" it is interpreted as a relative path and is merged with the data path.  Otherwise it is interpreted as an absolute path and is used by itself.  For example:

"WebRoot" is interpreted as the folder named "WebRoot" in the Ascendis Caller ID data folder
"MyFolder" is interpreted as the folder named "MyFolder" in the Ascendis Caller ID data folder
"..\Web Data" is interpreted as the folder named "Web Data" in the folder above the Ascendis Caller ID data folder
"C:\Web Documents" is interpreted as the folder named "Web Documents" in the root of the C: drive
"D:\My Documents\Ascendis\Web" is interpreted as the folder named "Web" in the folder named "Ascendis" in the folder named "My Documents" on the D: drive



Saves any changes you made to the settings and closes the window.


Closes the window without saving changes.


Brings up this topic in the help file.