Version includes the following changes from the previous release:
- new actions: use {SpeakName} instead of {Name} in default speak text
- "Empty Database.ciddb" is now literally empty -- no records exist in any of the lists
- now installs "Initial Database.ciddb" into Ascendis Caller ID Program Files folder -- this contains the database as it appears on first install
- added "Speak Name" and "Speak Name and Number" actions (these will only appear for new installations; if you want to add these simple actions to an existing installation, import "Standard Actions.xml" from the Program Files folder using File -> Import -> Actions)
- the "Default" action now speaks the phone number only if the caller is not a contact and the number is not the same as the name (this change will only appear for new installations)
- when a contact is deleted, recompute the name fields for the phone numbers assigned to the contact from the raw caller id name (as would happen when the call is first received) -- fixes problem with names "sticking" to a phone number after a contact is deleted
- fixed problem with TAPI modem on some systems where script (and speaking) could be triggered twice
- fixed race condition with scripts that could cause logged errors
- updated distributed Locations table to version 2.4 (no content changes; this just saves Ascendis Caller ID from having to update it on first run)
This version continues use of activation codes introduced in version Please see for more information.
As always, bug reports and feedback are appreciated.
You can download this version here:
The beta page is available here: