Ascendis Caller ID beta version now available

Discussion of Ascendis Caller ID 2 BETA VERSION software only! This includes problem reports and general questions on the operation of new features of the BETA software.
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Bill Root
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Location: Perrysburg, OH

Ascendis Caller ID beta version now available

Post by Bill Root »

Version includes the following changes from the previous beta release:

- improved Repair Modem compatibility with Windows Vista
- refresh Phones table before looking up incoming phone number (may fix EDBISAMEngineError / DBISAM Engine Error # 9729 reported by a user)
- refresh Calls table before updating with call progress (may fix EDBISAMEngineError / DBISAM Engine Error # 8708 reported by a user)
- don't try to repair modems accessed directly, since it isn't necessary and is only relevant for TAPI access
- fixed exception during startup when modem was added while trial screen was displayed
- update new call count after deleting calls
- don't show date and time in display panel when calls list is empty
- renamed "NewCalls" DWS script function to "NewCallCount"
- added "CallCount" function to DWS scripts
- added full text search and favorites to Help
- properly start up when launched while another instance is shutting down

Known Issues:
- most of the help still includes version 1 images and terminology

As always, bug reports and feedback are appreciated.

You can download this version here:

The beta page is available here:
Last edited by Bill Root on Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 40
Joined: Mon May 15, 2006 2:36 pm

Post by GraemeP »

I have a small issue when callerID starts up.

The setup is a WHOIZ device with 3 lines enabled, but on the network PC there is also a mobile phone connected via USB. The mobile shows up in devices but is not selected.

On start-up callerID detects the modem as a new device and knocks off one of the whoiz lines. We then get a "new device detected" prompt, have to disable the mobile and re-enable the whoiz line.
Bill Root
Site Admin
Posts: 1025
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:29 pm
Location: Perrysburg, OH

Re: New devices automatically being enabled

Post by Bill Root »

Hi Graeme,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I changed the behavior of new devices so they are not automatically enabled unless running in trial mode. This fixes the problem you described, at least in tests here.

This fix will be included in the next 2.0 beta release.

Finest regards,
Bill Root
Ascendis Software
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