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Hourly Options to Email and other actions

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 6:34 am
by Jay
Hello. Love the software, but I thought I would suggest one thing. I have the software set up to send an email to my cell phone containing the caller name and time, so that when I'm not at home, I can see who called and if I choose to, I can return their calls from my cellphone. This is possible due to my cell having a email address, that basically will put a text message on my phone containing this info. My suggestion is to include a method of selecting the days and hours that this email function and possibly other functions can be performed. Example, only send the email to my cell on Monday - Friday, between the hours of 8am to 5:30pm, so that I will not be sending emails to my phone alerting me to home phone calls while I'm at home and within hearing range of the computer. I know this might be a bit of work to include something like this, but I'm sure that would be well used by myself and other people who like to have custom actions, and don't want to disable things all the time when they arrive home, etc. This would really be a powerfull addition the the already extremely powerfull features of Caller-Id. Thanks, Jay.

Re: Hourly Options to Email and other actions

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:05 am
by Bill Root
Hi Jay,

What you request can already be done in Ascendis Caller ID using advanced actions. For example:

Code: Select all


// The following function is built into DWS scripting:
// function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): Integer;
// DayOfWeek returns the day of the week of the specified date as an 
// integer between 1 and 7, where Sunday is the first day of the week and 
// Saturday is the seventh.

// send mail to cell phone on M-F, 8 am - 5:30 pm
if &#40;DayOfWeek&#40;Now&#41; > 1&#41; and &#40;DayOfWeek&#40;Now&#41; < 7&#41; and
   &#40;Time > StrToTime&#40;'8 am'&#41;&#41; and &#40;Time < StrToTime&#40;'5&#58;30 pm'&#41;&#41; then
  SendMail&#40;'', '',
    'Call from ' + CallInfo.Name + ' at ' + CallInfo.Number, 

// otherwise announce the caller
  Speak&#40;'Call from ' + CallInfo.Name + ' at ' + CallInfo.Number&#41;;
You should put the above script into a new category to make it easy to use:
1) Copy the above code section to the clipboard
2) In Ascendis Caller ID, click the "Categories" tab
3) Create a new category (right-click in the Categories grid, and select "New Category")
4) Name the category something meaningful, like "EmailOrAnnounce" (type the name into the "Category Name" box)
5) Set the "Action" to "Advanced"
6) Right-click in the script box and select "Paste"
7) Click OK to close the category window and save the changes

You can test the action (to make sure it works as desired) by right-clicking on the new category in the category list and choosing "Test Action".

Now you need to change the desired callers to use the new category:
1) Click the "Callers" tab to show the callers
2) Right-click on the desired caller, and select "Edit Caller"
3) Change the "Category" to the new category you created above
4) Make sure the "Action" is set to "Category"
5) Click OK to close the window and save the changes

You will have to change the from and to email addresses in the "SendMail" command appropriately. You can also easily change the "Speak" command to say whatever you wish. If you need help with either of these changes, just let me know what you're trying to do.

I admit that most users will not be able to come up with the above script and would prefer an easy way to do it. However, adding conditionals to the "Easy" action interface will make it more complicated and less approachable. Hopefully advanced scripts will be sufficient, at least until we can implement an easy-yet-advanced "Easy" action. In the interim, I'm happy to write custom advanced scripts for users who need them!

Finest regards,
Bill Root
Ascendis Software


Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:42 pm
by Jay
Thank you very much, I don't mind if it's a script or an easy action, I will use it just the same. Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try.