Saving New caller Info Incorectly...

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Saving New caller Info Incorectly...

Post by ijwalla »


I am using the recent beta release and seem to have found a bug.
When a new caller rings, his/her phone number get listed corectly, currently in the format (UK Mobile) : (AAAAA)-NNN-NNN . Therefore the number gets listed as e.g. : (07720)-567-835. When I add the new contact information in the Edit Caller Window the 'Phone Number' is entered as : 07720567835. The only way the system can recognise a known caller is if the formats match, hence as soon as i edit the number it works perfectly.

I have tried changing the format of the Mobile number in the options pannel to it simplest format e.g. : AAAAANNNNNN (no brackets, no hyphens, also makes it easier for the speach program to read). However if i save a new caller, the number by default saves as: 07720-567835 (with a hyphen).

I hope i've explained myself clearly. Either way I am very happy with the program, and am looking forward to putting it to test on a larger network.

P.S. any idea when version 2.0 is due for release?

Thank you kindly,

Mr I Walla.
Bill Root
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Re: Saving New caller Info Incorectly...

Post by Bill Root »

Hello Mr. I Walla,

Thank you for your feedback and problem report.

When you add a caller by right-clicking on a call and selecting "Add Caller", Ascendis Caller ID uses the raw phone number as received from the modem (or alternate device) for the "Phone Number" field in the "Edit Caller" window. This should match future calls exactly, unless the phone company, the modem, or Windows is changing the number on subsequent calls. A bug is also possible, but we're not seeing the same behavior here, and the phone number formatting is reserved for display purposes, in general.

The modem log and/or line monitor log (available under Help -> Diagnostics) would show the phone number as received from the modem or other device. If it contains non-numeric characters, that could be the problem. It's possible that a hardware or software problem is introducing spurious characters. If you can, please send a Technical Support Report to support at ascendis dot com after receiving one or more of these problematic calls. I should be able to learn something from that.

Re 2.0: I'm afraid we can't give release dates for future versions.

Finest regards,
Bill Root
Ascendis Software
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