Text to speech (TTS) sound not working after RDP disconnect

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Bill Root
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Text to speech (TTS) sound not working after RDP disconnect

Post by Bill Root »

This afternoon an Ascendis Caller ID user and I resolved a problem where Ascendis Caller ID would periodically stop announcing calls. The calls appeared in the call list, but were not announced. The customer used RDP to access the Ascendis Caller ID machine, which reminded me of another user who determined that RDP was responsible for Ascendis Caller ID being unable to play sound over the phone.

It turns out that Windows XP has a problem where sound is disabled when an RDP client disconnects. It remains disabled until a local or RDP user logs in again. Configuring RDP to leave sound at the remote computer did not resolve the issue. This problem has been discussed on the HomeSeer message board:

The above post also includes a reasonable workaround, in this response:
http://board.homeseer.com/showpost.php? ... stcount=26

The workaround is to use a specific command when disconnecting from the machine running Ascendis Caller ID. The command is:

Code: Select all

%windir%\system32\tscon.exe 0 /dest:console
The post referenced above (the second link) includes a downloadable link that runs the command. Place the link on the desktop of the Ascendis Caller ID machine, and use it to disconnect RDP. The command logs the last user back into Windows, preserving sound capabilities.

Finest regards,
Bill Root
Ascendis Software
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