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ACIDMU beta version now available

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:32 pm
by Bill Root
Version includes the following changes from the previous release:

- Contact window: autoselect first phone number and pattern
- Contact window: added splitter between phone number list and values for selected phone number
- Contact window: don't allow changing phone number -- delete and/or add phone number instead
(reflects that phone numbers are not changeable as they're used by contacts and calls)
- Contact window: fixed problems saving changes when other users have changed data
- added context menu for Line Activity panel table rows
- added commands to Line Activity toolbar
- fixed duplicate lookup commands on call context menu after database reconnect
- detect Contact changes from other clients and refresh
- fixed problem where database is mistakenly reported as disconnected

- fixed duplicate database location window when using "Select Database Server" command
- removed improper warning on cancel from "Select Database Server" command

- fixed problem where database is mistakenly reported as disconnected

For a brief overview of ACIDMU, please see:

As always, bug reports and feedback are appreciated.

You can download the latest beta version from:

The beta page is available here: